Archive for August, 2008

christmas-sweets in August

August 31, 2008

I´m just curious how it is in other countries.

Since last week we have christmas-sweets in our supermarkets.
Gingerbread, marzipan, ……

Its terrible and its sooner every year.

Is it the same in the US or in other countries? Can you buy
christmas-sweets already in August?

Thy left

August 25, 2008

The whole last week Georgies sister with her family
where visiting us.

They loved Potsdam.
It was nice to have them near for this week.

But we are also glad that they are back home again. 😉

Sitting two kids a whole day was really kinda exhausting.
And I´m considering again to have kids by myself.

This two kids are adorable. Really. I love them.
But I was always happy to give them back to their
mother at the end of the day.

When I have own children, I have to be there
24 hours a day, every day. There are no
excuses like illness or no sleep.
What if I´ll get annoyed by my own kids?
What if I´ll get angry with them because
I can´t handle that?

O.K., I´m sure its different with own kids.
You love them a thousand times more than
nieces and nephews.

O.K. I have to stop think about this stuff.
I wanna have kids.
And so I have to go through all this.

I´m a little scared. But I´m sure thats every
woman before she becomes a mother.

When the time is right, it will happen.

Not the best start of the week

August 25, 2008

I´m sick.

My throat is hurting and I get the sniffles.
I hate that. Who doesn´t?

I had to bring my car to the autoshop (do you really
use this word in english?) this morning.
The repair will cost me about 900 €. Great.

So, I guess this week can only get better.
Hope so.

Aunt Tina

August 19, 2008

Georgies sister and her husband and the two kids are visiting us
for this week.

They arrived Saturday Night and stayed the night at our apartement.

That was ….. fun… 🙂
Sunday Morning starts at 6 o clock, breakfast with an 3-year-old and
an 1-year-old is also fun. Milk and crumbs all over the kitchen…

Playing with the kids was so fun. They love me and I love them.
Little Theo is such a cute little man. And Paula is so smart and kind.

They left a little chaos in our home.  (and wee-wee on our couch)
But it was nice to have them here.

Now, they are staying in a holiday home, but we are seeing them every day.

Pics at Flickr. 🙂

Photo Booth Fun

August 16, 2008

I´ts a little bit creepy isn´t it?


What about you? What is your funniest or creepiest photo booth picture?

Sweets for my Sweet…

August 16, 2008

I have baked again.

There is this American Lady, Cynthia Barcomi, that lives in
Germany and had two Cafés in Berlin. And she wrote this
amazing baking recipe book.

So today I made:

An “Banana Chocolate Swirl Cake”

I haven´t cut it yet. I will post a picture of it when I did it.

And  “Chocolate Chip Cookies”. They are very very delicious. 

Ups and Downs

August 15, 2008

I´m going throug so many ups and downs lately….

In the last few nights I woke up about 2 or 3 oclock in the 
morning and started to cry.

I think a lot of V. Especially in the nights. I´m getting so
sad because I know that he is not happy. That he misses me..
Sometimes, I have really horrible thoughts.
That I lost my one and only soulmate. That leaving him was
the biggest mistake in my life. That I miss him so much
that it hurts. That something will happen with Georgie and me.
That we won´t stay together. That I can´t love him this much
as I love(d ?) V. 

That I will never be happy again because I just can´t let go. 

And then its morning again and there is this sweet man who
smiles at me, who shares always his last bite with me, who gives
me the feeling to be the greatest person in the world, who loves
me so much. And all I want is to be happy with him. Stay with him,
have kids, a big house, have a dog and a duck (don´t ask),
grew old together…. 

I´m switching between this thougths the whole time. Sometimes more,
sometimes less. 

Will it be over one day?
Will I be happy?

Qué será será ?

August 12, 2008

(Sarah, since I´ve found your blog I always have this song in my mind)

I am 27 years old. I will turn 28 in December.
I am not married yet and don´t have a child.
And sometimes, I´m asking me: why?

I had a boyfriend for 11 years. We met when I was 15 and he 19.
We loved each other and lived together for over 11 years, until
December of the last year. Then it ends. (but this is another story) 

We never got married or had a child becaus; first we were to young, then,
I couldn´t find a job for a long time and we had no money for anything.

So we were rational and wanted to wait for all this for better times.

But, so many young people get children anyway. You can always raise
a child if you have to. What you need the most for that is Love.


There are days, when I just can´t wait to have a child.
Get pregnant, hold a baby, my baby in my arms for the very first time,
raise a kid and shows it the world and give so much love…..

I am not trying to get pregnant. Georgie and I are together for about 8 months
now, that is too soon. And I want to get married first.

We are talking about to maybe get married in one year and try to have
a baby after that.

But can you plan something like that? And what, if something is happen again?
My Ex-boyfriend and I wanted to get married in May this year. So, that never happened.

What if something is coming up again? Anything?

What if it´s just not meant to be for me to be a mother? 

I love to watch pictures of babys, children, pregnant women…. 
I always cry when I see a birth on TV.
I imagine so often what a daugther of us would look like….

But if it hasn´t happen yet, will it ever be happen?

I really hope so.

Qué será será…..


August 12, 2008

Georgie found this today:

The TINA-principal


Its kinda funny. “Hey, there is no alternative beside me” :o)

a little bit depressing

August 12, 2008

I love rain. I really do. Especially in summer.

But when I woke up an our ago and it is so grey outside and its raining ….
its really a little bit depressing.

I can even feel that I will be a little grumpy today….. 


O.K., think positiv Tina. There will always be sunshine after rain.

Lets make this day sunny.