Archive for November, 2008

christmas mood

November 30, 2008

I´m totally in christmas mood.

I decorated the apartement this weekend, went shopping
yesterday and singing christmas-songs all the time.

That is our advents-calender; 24 little bags filled with chocolate and little
things. Georgie filled the uneven numbers for me and I´m the even ones
for him:


And this is our advents-wreath; every sunday before christmas we lit one more


This year, I will enjoy christmas-time more than ever.


Happy first “Advent”.

“A person is a person, no matter how small”

November 15, 2008

We watched this movie today and I had to cry at the end. 
(a lot of movies make my cry….)
When the little Whos made all this noise to get heared…. *sniff*


I liked it.

please do not disturb

November 12, 2008



November 9, 2008

We were visiting my parents yesterday in my hometown.

They miss me. Thats obvious.
Before, I lived just around the corner, visiting
them at least once a week.

Now I live one hour by car away. 

We took a long walk and they called my attantion to every
empty apartement or house on our way.

They want me to come back home some day.

I love my hometown. Its small and nice and quiet.
I growed up there. I know every path and every stone.

I would love to be near my family again.
Let my kids play at the same places as I did.

But, since this year I don´t feel very comfortable then I
am outside on the streets in my hometown; even on the
way to my parents in the car.

I´m always afraid that my Ex-boyfriend or one of his
family or friends come around the corner and I have to
face him/them.

I know its ridicolous. 
But do I want to live always in “fear” then I go outside?
The town is so small that you have to meet some day
in the supermarket or somewhere one day.
Maybe it will be forgotten in a few years, but at the
moment I dont think so because how the last month
went. (he is miserable, very)

Another point is, in my hometown the shools are not
that good and you don´t have any good opportunitys
for shopping or going out or do anything.

Potsdam is great. I love the town.
But raising children in a city?
Far away from my family?

Well, I don´t have to think about that now.
Because, as long as it is just the two of us, and even
when we have a child, as long as its under two years
old we could stay in our apartement here in Potsdam.

But where do we want to settle down?
Where do we want to build our house, our home?

Georgi is, as always, totally relaxed about that.
He is sure, that something perfect will come up for us.

And maybe he is right. Maybe a great opportunity
will find us then its time.

I´m looking forward to see what it will be.

Apple Day

November 6, 2008

… or: “how it really started”

Today, one year ago, it was Tuesday.

Today, one year ago, I wore a grey skirt, a black turleneck
pullover and black boots.

Today, one year ago, a magazine had a fotoshooting in
our factory.

Today, one year ago, in the evening I had to go to a seminar
for three days in another town.

Today, one year ago, when I got to work early in the morning,
I first went in Georgis office and put an beautiful, red, shiny
apple on his desk. (together with some cookies)

Today, one year ago, later that day, Georgi ambled by my
office playing with the stem of the apple in his hand and gave
me an strange look…..

Later he told me, that this the moment was when he realized
that he is in love with me and that I must feel the same way;
and that this the reason is why we are sitting in the kitchen
at work every day so late and talking.

So, I guess this was the moment where everything started.
Even if it took one more month to….. later more about that.

Happy Apple-Day Honey.
I love you.


November 1, 2008

I have to tell you something: We planned to go to a Halloween Party somewhere.
We didn´t know where, but we wanted to go to the city and see whats up.
But after dinner and movies:
he: you still wanna go out?
she: no, not really, I´m tired.
he: me neither, I´m tired too..
And so we stayed at home and had fun by making funny photos.

I think we are getting old……

But it was nice.
We had great food and a lot of fun.
Just one girl came for trick or treat…. well, its not so popular
in Germany.

check out my photos at Flickr.

Hope you all had a nice Halloween.