Archive for January, 2009

New year

January 9, 2009

Sorry for not posting for a month.

Christmas was nice.
We were at my parents and had a nice evening with, presents, simple food and playing cards.

On December 27th we made a trip to Georgis family and we stayed there until January the second.
I love his family. His mother with husband and especially his sister with husband and these two adorable kids who love me so much. (little Paula cried so much as we left that it hurt my heart 😦  )

And now, a new year started, we are back at work and I just can say that I feel really great.

Work is not that fun but it is O.K.. I have so much to do but I don´t set myself under pressure because I just cand do what I can do.

This morning I woke up at 4 o´clock in the morning and I layed awake for a while and thougth, that I am completly happy at the moment.
I have a wonderful man at my side that I have so much fun with.
We talked about children at his sisters house and I think we will really “do something” at the end of the summer 😉 (but we will see)

And we maybe have something coming up that is really huge and great.
Remember my post about missing my hometown but actually don´t wanna live there anymore because of my past? Well, it turns out that maybe the old woman next to my parents has to go to a foster home; well, she is already there since before christmas, but maybe (my mother thinks no) she comes back.

So, then this house is empty and we could buy it. Its right next to my parents house. Its a row house, but and end house. (you know what I mean)

I thought about living so far (its not that far, but far) away from my parents and I realized, that its maybe nicer to live near them. Think about babysitting 😉

There would be a lot to do in this house. New roof, new paint, we had to rebuild a lot. But that would be fun and we hope that the house is very cheap.

The think about this since the end of Dezember now and in our minds we already moved in there. But first the old woman has to move out for sure (she lives there for rent but I know that the company will sell it) and than they have to make an
assessment and advertise it.

I really hope so much that we can get it. We talk about it so much already and we would be really disappointed. *sigh*

So, wish us luck please.