Archive for September, 2009

September is here

September 20, 2009

What a wonderful month. I love it.

We had the greatest time at Sicily ever.
Wonderful landscape, hot weather, and wonderful people.

It was really good for us, we totally forgot about work and just enjoyed our time.

And now, the biggest thing that I can imagine is going on.
I took my last birth control pil on August 30th so that means I´m in the middle
of my first cycle where we are trying to have a baby.

It is so exciting!!!
I know that the chances are low to get pregnant in the very first cycle , but I can tell you that I
have a relly good feeling. I don´t know why…. .
Well, we will see in 2-3 weeks if the miracle started already or not….

So, that is what is going on here at the moment.
We are very very fine, work is O.K. (we don´t stress ourselfs anymore that much) we enjoy
good food, we love to cook these days and of course we are waiting for our baby. yeay!