Sunday News

March 29, 2009

So, lets start with the plan to write more in this blog.

Last week I got a little crashing news.

“End of the year”
The woman from the organisation who owns the house told me this week on the phone
that they will probably sell the house at the end of the year, because they have a lot of
other objects, in other towns to care about; so this house is way at the end of the list.

This news disappointed me a lot.
What about my big plans for this year?
I thougt, if WE get the house (and not someone else who pays more money) we could
have it in May or June and start to renovate the house during the summer
(new windows, new roof, bathrooms…) and we could be done in fall and move in.
But now?
One big thing that bothers me about this is …. well…. I planned maybe to start to try
to get pregnant in fall. After the whole house-renovate-thing.
Because, I turn 30 at the end of next year and I always wanted my first child before
my 30th birthday and I would love to have a child that is born in (late) summer.

So, if we really get the house at the end of the year … I would have to work while
I´m pregnant and I don´t know if I would be such a good help.
And when we want to get a credit from the bank, I have to hide that I´m pregnant
because if they would know that I won´t have salary anymore soon, I´m not sure
if they would give us a credit that easy. (we already ask the bank and at the moment
it would not be a problem at all because we both have good jobs)

But, what do I care about things that haven´t happen yet?
Thats the plan-junkie in me.
Havn´t I learned that I can not plan life?

We will see what time will bring.
So much could happen in the next months….


New topic.

We went to the park before.
 I wanted to start my running-career and Georgie wanted to play

I was down after just one damn minute running. I walked then, tryed to run again,
but it was the same. When I met Georgie again, he told me the same.
We are completly out of shape. (I guess I was never IN shape…)
And that embarresed us really.
We plan to go more often now in the park to make sport after work.
Spring is here finally (even if its still really cold) and this is really something
we should do.


One Response to “Sunday News”

  1. […] is not so much more going here. The house-thing is still on ice. We just have to wait til they finally sell it and then to […]

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