Happy Easter to everyone!!

April 13, 2009

I hope you have a wonderful time with your family.

I want to show you little Tina on easter 1982:


I bet the jumpsuit is made by my mother or grandmother…

Happy Easter my friends.


April 5, 2009

Just went to the kitchen, where Georgie is about to preparing dinner,
and kissed him as passionately as I can.

I love him.
I really do.
He is the most stunning person I´ve ever known.

I love to live with him.
And I can´t wait to have children with him because I know, that
he will be a wonderful father and we will have a lot of fun.

Honey, I love you!

much too long

April 3, 2009


On August 22nd, the sister of one of Georgies best friends is
getting married in Italy, Sicilia.
They are Italians and live in Germany, but the daughter is marrying
an italyan guy and they will live in Italy after the wedding.
And we are invited and are planning now to go by car to Italy
for the wedding and stay for two weeks.
We want to go on August 14th.

Our first real vacation and what a great one.
Well, I hope it will be agreat one. 
How amazing will it be to drive through whole Italy by car?
And I can´t wait to go to the wedding.
These Italians are soo great and nice.
I spend new years eve 2007 to 2008 with them and it
was awesome. Great people with great hearts.

So I´m really looking forward to this vacation …..
also for another reason. I don´t want to say too much
(because who knows what happens?)….but lets just say:
I think Italy and vacation is a great combination to
make a lot of loooove!!! 😉

Over 4 months. Way too long!

Sunday News

March 29, 2009

So, lets start with the plan to write more in this blog.

Last week I got a little crashing news.

“End of the year”
The woman from the organisation who owns the house told me this week on the phone
that they will probably sell the house at the end of the year, because they have a lot of
other objects, in other towns to care about; so this house is way at the end of the list.

This news disappointed me a lot.
What about my big plans for this year?
I thougt, if WE get the house (and not someone else who pays more money) we could
have it in May or June and start to renovate the house during the summer
(new windows, new roof, bathrooms…) and we could be done in fall and move in.
But now?
One big thing that bothers me about this is …. well…. I planned maybe to start to try
to get pregnant in fall. After the whole house-renovate-thing.
Because, I turn 30 at the end of next year and I always wanted my first child before
my 30th birthday and I would love to have a child that is born in (late) summer.

So, if we really get the house at the end of the year … I would have to work while
I´m pregnant and I don´t know if I would be such a good help.
And when we want to get a credit from the bank, I have to hide that I´m pregnant
because if they would know that I won´t have salary anymore soon, I´m not sure
if they would give us a credit that easy. (we already ask the bank and at the moment
it would not be a problem at all because we both have good jobs)

But, what do I care about things that haven´t happen yet?
Thats the plan-junkie in me.
Havn´t I learned that I can not plan life?

We will see what time will bring.
So much could happen in the next months….


New topic.

We went to the park before.
 I wanted to start my running-career and Georgie wanted to play

I was down after just one damn minute running. I walked then, tryed to run again,
but it was the same. When I met Georgie again, he told me the same.
We are completly out of shape. (I guess I was never IN shape…)
And that embarresed us really.
We plan to go more often now in the park to make sport after work.
Spring is here finally (even if its still really cold) and this is really something
we should do.


If somebody is interested in

March 15, 2009

This is my german blog:

Miss Pappnase
Of course its in german so maybe YOU don´t understand what I wrote there.
But I just want to show you, because its my blog, my virtual home.
Georgie made this nice header, which is full with stuff of my life.

I write a lot more there when I do here, of course.
Uh, I have to change this. Maybe I can start to write everything in both blogs.

We will see if I can do this.

Anyway, have a very nice Sunday and a good start in the new week.


Another month went by

February 10, 2009

Sorry for that.

Is anybody reading this blog ?

Not much news about the house that I told you about in my
last posting.

Well, the old woman died. What is of course really sad. On the other
hand it means, that now the house will be definetly selled.

The contract with the old women is running til April 1st.
After that they will sell it. I already called the agency.
It will be like that: they will make an advertise and make a price.
Then where will be an announcement in different newspapers.
Later there is a viewing-day and after that you can
bid on the house. And the one who bids the most will get it.
Thats it.
And they won´t tell you later what someone else bid to give you
a chance to rise your bid. No. You just have on shot.
Well, so we will need a lot of luck to get it. Need your whishes.

Otherwise I´m really fine. I´m good at work. I finished
something really important and now I have time again
to to my real work. That is a great feeling.

Georgi and I have a lot of fun.
We watched all seasons of Gilmore Girls on DVD and it was sooo great.
I always loved the girls and now Georgi is a fan too. *g*

Now we got the whole DVD-Box of Alias.
We are almost done with the first season and I´m not really into
it yet. But maybe its getting better.

Everything is so great at the moment.
The thing with the house, work is O.K. and finally I can really enjoy
everything around me.
The weather is bad. Well, its February in Europe, what do you expect.
I´m looking forward March and April, the spring…. *sigh*

I´m a really happy girl this time and I enjoy every single moment.

New year

January 9, 2009

Sorry for not posting for a month.

Christmas was nice.
We were at my parents and had a nice evening with, presents, simple food and playing cards.

On December 27th we made a trip to Georgis family and we stayed there until January the second.
I love his family. His mother with husband and especially his sister with husband and these two adorable kids who love me so much. (little Paula cried so much as we left that it hurt my heart 😦  )

And now, a new year started, we are back at work and I just can say that I feel really great.

Work is not that fun but it is O.K.. I have so much to do but I don´t set myself under pressure because I just cand do what I can do.

This morning I woke up at 4 o´clock in the morning and I layed awake for a while and thougth, that I am completly happy at the moment.
I have a wonderful man at my side that I have so much fun with.
We talked about children at his sisters house and I think we will really “do something” at the end of the summer 😉 (but we will see)

And we maybe have something coming up that is really huge and great.
Remember my post about missing my hometown but actually don´t wanna live there anymore because of my past? Well, it turns out that maybe the old woman next to my parents has to go to a foster home; well, she is already there since before christmas, but maybe (my mother thinks no) she comes back.

So, then this house is empty and we could buy it. Its right next to my parents house. Its a row house, but and end house. (you know what I mean)

I thought about living so far (its not that far, but far) away from my parents and I realized, that its maybe nicer to live near them. Think about babysitting 😉

There would be a lot to do in this house. New roof, new paint, we had to rebuild a lot. But that would be fun and we hope that the house is very cheap.

The think about this since the end of Dezember now and in our minds we already moved in there. But first the old woman has to move out for sure (she lives there for rent but I know that the company will sell it) and than they have to make an
assessment and advertise it.

I really hope so much that we can get it. We talk about it so much already and we would be really disappointed. *sigh*

So, wish us luck please.

Favourite Christmas song

December 7, 2008

My favourite christmas song is this:

Lenna Kuurmaa- Have yourself a merry little christ… – MyVideo

What is yours?

This is Fun

December 7, 2008


Seen HERE.

Since March

December 7, 2008
we live in this house.
We are 7 Neighbours.
In this almost 10 months, I have n´t seen everybody or
speak much to anybody, except of a “Good Morning” sometimes. 
That is a little bit sad and so I hope they will like my little
I put this little bags secretly on the doors.
Hope they like it. 